This form is for those that have applied for the Parade but want to add on an application for the festival

Hello, the deadline for DanceFest was March 1st and our stages and site specific areas are curated by a 5 member committee of dance professionals. Because we generally review and program close to 70 talented organizations, cancellations due occur and we have the following DanceFest participation form for those who have applied for Dance Parade but would like to still participate in the festival in Tompkins Square Park. Please fill out this form and our curation committee will review your video. Waitlist firming will happen with a notice on May 10th, 10 days before the May 20th event:
(escriba el nombre de la companía, grupo, escuela, o equipo como debería aparecer en el programa)


Invitamos a grupos de excelencia artística a actuar en el escenario. No hay una tarifa adicional por completar esta sección y, de hecho, pagamos estipendios a los artistas docentes y escénicos elegidos por nuestro Comité Curatorial. Debe estar en el Desfile para participar en DanceFest 2022, nuestro festival posterior al desfile, en Tompkins Square Park. Si es aceptado, será notificado por el comité del festival en abril.

El Comité de Curación de DanceFest es actualmente un equipo de cinco profesionales de la industria de la danza con amplia experiencia en muchas formas de baile. El Comité está interesado en presentar todas las formas y géneros de danza, incluidas las formas de danza culturalmente específicas y la danza-teatro, además de la coreografía clásica y contemporánea. Las presentaciones de artistas que contienen un elemento de participación de la audiencia también son bienvenidas.

DanceFest se esfuerza por presentar la excelencia artística y la diversidad cultural. Los escenarios Stage A (Principal) y Stage B (Familiar) son escenarios de 20 pies x 20 pies con una sala verde y portasan. Estas actuaciones tienden a durar entre 3 y 8 minutos. El escenario social es nuestra área de fiesta y está diseñado para presentaciones de clubes y circos. Actuaciones específicas ocurrirán en todo el parque y contarán con actuaciones de más de 60 minutos para danzas contemporáneas, folclóricas y culturales.

Puede iniciar sesión en otro momento hasta la fecha límite del 1 de abril de 2022 para completar la solicitud de DanceFest; sin embargo, las solicitudes anticipadas tienen una mayor probabilidad de ser aceptadas y agendadas.
Las oportunidades de enseñanza y presentaciones remuneradas en DanceFest después del desfile se ofrecen solo a los participantes de Dance Parade.
Choose a length closest to the length of your performance not including our emcee's introduction. (minutes : seconds)


Como participante en el desfile de baile, puede calificar para nuestros programas de participación comunitaria en los que pagamos a los artistas por clases y actuaciones en el área de la ciudad de Nueva York.
Las consultas se pueden realizar a través de este formulario: https://danceparade.org/ce-inquiry-form
o escribiéndole a la Directora de Participación Comunitaria Carlye Eckert carlye@danceparade.org
With this form submission I agree that this signifies my intention to participate in this year’s Annual Dance Parade and Festival (“DanceFest” following the parade, but does not create any binding relationship or obligations between me and Dance Parade, Inc. I understand that once remitted, the registration fees are non-refundable as they are considered a contribution to our 501(c)3 non-profit organization and are accepted regardless of actual participation in the parade or festival. I understand also that, while Dance Parade and the City of New York will make reasonable efforts to ensure the safety of all Dance Parade participants, Dance Parade’s safety relies foremost on the safe behavior of its participants, and by registering I assume responsibility for my safety and will act with caution, courtesy, and prudence, and comply with all relevant laws and regulations throughout the event. I attest that I have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and will have proof of vaccination per Dance Parade's COVID-19 health policy. I hold harmless Dance Parade, its officers, staff and volunteers for any liabilities incurred to me in the Dance Parade and DanceFest except in the case of Dance Parade Inc.’s gross negligence. We only guarantee the validity of your ticket if purchased directly from this website on DanceParade.Org. Any tickets purchased second-hand or via third party vendors cannot be validated or accommodated in the event. Reselling a ticket above face value goes against the spirit of the event. I agree to refrain from physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct of any kind or form making abusive statements in regard to a person’s race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sex or age. I also agree that during Dance Parade and DanceFest my image may be captured without compensation. By registering for Dance Parade I understand that my email address will be subscribed to Dance Parade mailings including STEPS!, the Dance Parade Newsletter. Lastly, I understand that participation in Dance Parade New York is a privilege granted to us by the City of New York, and which will be granted to us in the future only thanks to Dance Parade participants’ exemplary civic behavior. I agree to make my utmost effort to ensure that Dance Parade is both fun and safe, and to leave nothing behind during or after Dance Parade in order to minimize cleanup demands. Additionally, Dance Parade reserves the right to cancel registration if it is determined that dance organizations are involved for political or commercial reasons not supporting dance. It's the Dance Parade and everyone dances! I recognize the Virtual Event as family friendly and agree to refrain from sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct of any kind or from making abusive statements in regard to a person’s race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sex or age. I also agree that during the Virtual Event, my image may be captured without compensation. By registering for the Virtual Event I agree to receive communications from Dance Parade including STEPS!, our Official E-Newsletter and opting out is an option made in accordance with anti-spam laws. Lastly, Dance Parade reserves the right to cancel participation in the Event if it is determined that participants are using discrimination, harassment, or involved for political or commercial reasons not supporting dance. It's the Dance Parade and everyone dances!
