In each issue of our STEPS! E-Newsletter we try to cast the Spotlight on one of our awesome team members to find out more about where they came from and to suss out their connection to dance and supporting the Dance Parade team. In this issue, we put the spotlight on Dori Garcia.
Hi Dori, Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us!
How did you first find out about Dance Parade?
I found out through my partner who was taking a Cuban Salsa Class with the organization’s director, Greg Miller.
What is your current role in Dance Parade New York?
I am the Team Coordinator and Project Manager. I basically work with all the committee chairs to place prospective team members. We are seeking over 200 this year so I’m looking forward to the challenge!
What is your favorite style of dance to watch? to participate in?
I love the latin dances. Tango is one of the most expressive dances I know and when I see it, I just get wowed!
What is your background or interest in dance?
I was raised in Alicante, Spain and have been practicing salsa on and off since I was five year’s old. I would go with my Aunti in Spain and do my own steps on the side. I also learned contemporary after school and now take bachata classes here in NYC.
If you could share the stage with anyone in history, famous or not, living or deceased, a trained dancer or not, performing a routine choreographed by yourself…who would it be?
I just absolutely love Ataca Y la Alemana, bachatta dancers.
Last year we celebrated the theme “Movement of the People” What does this year’s theme “Dance Without Borders ” mean to you?
I think Dance Without Borders demonstrates that it doesn’t matter where you come from or what your abilities/capabilities are—There are no limitations in order to dance and you can still share your passion to dance.
What dance group or dance style are you most looking forward to seeing this coming year in the parade?
I can’t wait to see the Cuban Rueda salsa. At the Dance Parade event “Winter’s Eve” at Columbus Circle, I saw Fuakata Cuban Ensemble choreographed and led by Chris Rojecki and they were just amazing.
If you could choose Grand Marshal for next year’s parade….who would it be?
I would love to see Shakira because she’s so passionate and helps others through her charity work.
If you could pick another country to hold a Dance Parade and Festival….which would it be?
Definetely Spain!
Working for a nonprofit organization can at times be daunting and frustrating with limited personnel and funding….what is it that keeps you coming back for more and more?
I had heard about Dance Parade before I came to New York and since I’m passionate about dance, it’s just amazing to me that I’m a part of an organization that allows us to express ourselves–and we do it in my favorite form–Dancing!
What pitch would you use to attract a new volunteer onto the Dance Parade team?
It’s a great opportunity to do something that makes a difference for so many people. And it’s a lot of fun and we put it all together in such a positive way—A lot of work but so worth it!
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