You are cordially invited to join the Circle Dance that ceremoniously begins Dance Parade this year!

As the theme for the parade is "Movement of the People", we are countering the negative rhetoric about walls and immigration by appreciating the cultural treasures that come from the immigrant communities.

The ribbon for the Parade will be cut at 1pm at 21st Street and Broadway. Prior to the Ribbon Cutting, the Native American Circle dance will take place from 12:35-12:45pm with 25 selected representatives from the parade including Native American dancers and singers. When we honor Native American dance, we acknowledge that we are ALL immigrants.

The call time to report to 21st & Broadway Registration tent is 12:15pm Saturday May 18, 2019. This ceremony is curated by DJ McDonald who can be reached at 917-696-3889 (mobile).

Thank you for participating--That dance looks great on you!

Enter your organization if related to dance or reason for your invitation
With this form submission I agree that this signifies my intention to participate in this year’s Annual Dance Parade, but does not create any binding relationship or obligations between me and Dance Parade, Inc. I agree to refrain from physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct of any kind or form making abusive statements in regard to a person’s race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sex or age. Lastly, I understand that participation in Dance Parade New York is a privilege granted to us by the City of New York, and which will be granted to us in the future only thanks to Dance Parade participants’ exemplary civic behavior.
Thank you, looking forward to dancing with you!
