Press Release April 17, 2020
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rebecca Myles & Audrey Rosss
Tel: 917-326-0802
Email: publicity@danceparade.org
NEW YORK, NY, APRIL 17, 2020 - Dance Parade organizers, responding to New York City officials cancelling all public events slated for May during the COVID-19 pandemic, are moving their annual street and park parade and festival online, and broadcasting worldwide, on Saturday, May 16 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (EST) for a global community Zoom event.
Spectators can view online and/or participate by dancing-in-place in virtual rooms with legendary DJs, pick up dance tips in classes with New York’s top dance talent and participate in call and response dance moves.
“We always saw Dance Parade as a global event, and with our theme this year “Dance without Borders” our move online makes the world our stage,” said Jerry Goldman, Dance Parade’s Board Chair and parade emcee.
Among the Dance Fest in Place highlights are:
The New York Grandstand: where participants can get their freak on and dance out to DJ Liquid Todd, joining hundreds of others as they dance in-place, watch or participate in dance battles. Dance Parade will offer vibrant art backgrounds, images and special effects for participants. Princess Lockerooo, with her world-renowned Waacking skills will open the parade with a Flashmob and give interviews with some of the original Soul Train dancers during its 50th year anniversary celebration.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - kicking off the family-friendly event, is a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1:00 pm (EST). Headlining will be Grand Marshals: Modern Dance choreographer David Dorfman, world-renowned dance artist Princess Lockerooo, Masala Bhangra pioneer Sarina Jain, and SiriusXM Radio DJ Liquid Todd.
DanceFest Teaching Stage: pick up dance moves of six different dance styles. Strike-A-Pose in Princess Lockeroo’s Waacking class, free-form contemporary phrases with David Dorfman, traditional Indian Bhangra, Zumba with Laci Chisholm’s Fit4Dance, practice Salsa shines with Brooklyn’s Salsa Salsa studio, and take part in Barbara Ann Micheal’s “I Dance Like You!”
Dare to Dance Challenge - An open call for choreographers to connect to their dancers remotely during this period of isolation and social distancing, Cash prizes are offered to create one minute videos on Zoom. Deadline to apply May 7. The three winning videos will be presented during the event. Details at danceparade.org/dare-to-dance-challenge
“Put on your dance shoes and get ready to celebrate the best of Dance Parade which lights up New York City with the most culturally diverse event worldwide,” said Dance Parade’s founder and executive director, Greg Miller.
About Dance Parade:
Launched in 2006, Dance Parade is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate diversity by presenting as many forms of dance and culture as possible. The organization offers free dance programs to schools and community centers throughout New York City.
The 14th Annual Dance Parade and Festival is made possible in part with private support as well as public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. For our Media Kit, including high resolution photos, full bios of our Grand Marshals, information about Dance Parade and our education programs please visit: https://danceparade.org/media-kit-press-releases.