Meet Julian, producing Dance Parade with Pride!


Dance Parade, Inc. is a non-profit organization supported by a passionate team of dance lovers! It is the dedication, expertise and rhythm of these hard-working team members that contributes to the success of Dance Parade, DanceFest and the Community Engagement Programs. Want to join the team? Click here! This month we sat down with Julian Sanjivan (Pronouns They/Them/Theirs)

Hey Julian, thanks for taking the time to tell us about yourself.

How did you first find out about Dance Parade?  
I was looking to do something during my free time and stumbled upon the Dance Parade on LinkedIn. I decided to apply for the Parade Production Lead role. So, your current role in Dance Parade, Inc would be? Parade Production Lead. I actually am also the Director of the Pride March. I am enjoying working with Adele Godfrey, a talented producer who has 3 Dance Parades under her belt.

So great to have you on board with the “Boogie down Broadway!” Is there any other non-profit projects you work on?
Oh yeah, I love making a difference. My day job is the Director of  Visitor Services at the LGBT Center. The Center is the heart and home of NYC’s LGBT community, providing programs for health, wellness and community connection. And I also co-founded a non-profit for asylees. 

What is an asylee?

An asylee is what you call someone who seeks asylum. The organization that I co-founded is called “Asylee Designs”  We want to improve how we welcome and learn from newcomers in New York City.

Wow, that kind of work is so needed under the current government climate. Thanks for doing that!

Now, turning to dance. What is your favorite style of dance to watch? to participate in?
Anything contemporary.What is your dance background or interest in dance?
I performed contemporary when I was in college. I still am interested in contemporary. However, I am interested to watch any types of dance.

If you could share the stage with anyone in history famous or not, living or deceased, a trained dancer or not, performing a routine choreographed by yourself…who would it be?
This may sound cliche but I would probably like to share the stage with Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, or Lady Gaga. 

What does this year’s theme “Movement of the People” mean to you?
The current administration in the White House has been contentious and very divisive. This year’s theme is timely in bringing people together by celebrating something many love: Dance! 

What dance group or dance style are you most looking forward to seeing this coming year in the parade? 
Belly dancing! I would like to see how they are able to do this down the parade route!

If you could pick another country to hold a Dance Parade and Festival….which would it be? 
I am originally from South East Asia. I would naturally be biased in recommending one of the culturally diverse South East Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, or the Philippines. 

Working for a non-profit organization can at times be challenging with limited personnel and limited funding….what is it that keeps you going?
This is my first time with the Dance Parade. So, I can’t really say. However, I have volunteered for other events. The thing that makes me come back for more is the satisfaction of organizing something monumental for the community that thrives from such an event and working with a great team.


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