Wow, we did it--The Parade Formation, Ribbon Cutting, Route, Grand Stand, Festival and After Party was a fete complete--On behalf of the Dance Parade Board of Directors and Steering Committee, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your work to make Saturday a success.  

After each Dance Parade and Festival we ask our entire team to take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey. Just 11 questions!  (If you did not work the parade or festival this year but got the survey nonetheless then please ignore this.)

We realize that there's a lot of time invested in making it all happen and we want to make sure we hear from everyone to find out how we can do better next time. We then consolidate the responses, research and discuss any major issues and construct our 2024-2025 business plan in a way that improves on the previous year.

For any legal issues or if you feel like you were treated unfairly by another team member, note them here and report them to your team leader or Executive Director Greg Miller ( Such issues will be addressed confidentially and if not resolved, an independent ombudsman will be hired to intervene and mediate a solution. Thanks for your time and for your thoughts on how to improve our beloved event after 18 years!

Dance Parade 2022 Team Survey

(select 1 - 17 from the dropbox)
(Monday, Apri 24, Monday, May 15)
