Team Spotlight: Meet Adele, Parade Production Lead!

Dance Parade, Inc. is a non-profit organization supported by a passionate team of dance lovers!  It is the dedication, expertise and rhythm of these hard-working team members that contributes to the success of Dance Parade, DanceFest and the Community Engagement Programs.  Want to join the team? Click here!
Greetings Adele! 

Let’s start at the very begin shall we? 

How did you first find out about Dance Parade?
I first heard of dance parade through my friend Erik. He introduced me to the parade and got me involved the first year as a NYDP officer (New York Dance Police). It was the perfect first experience to ticket people for NOT dancing!

What is your current role in Dance Parade, Inc?
Currently I lead a production team that plans and produces the parade.  I’m here to help make sure the day of the parade runs smoothly.

What is your favorite style of dance to watch? to participate in?
I love watching expressive, modern dance; I love when people can tell a story through dance. I also really enjoy watching couple dance whether it be salsa, samba, swing or modern. The connection of two dancers performing is so captivating.

I participate in non-traditional forms of free form dance… including 5Rhythms. Anywhere there is good music you will find me dancing… whether there is a dance floor or not. I’ve never performed any type of dance routine for a formal audience.

What is your dance background?
After studying business management in college and then working in an office job I knew there was something more to a job. So I quit my business job and went to photo school. After learning all the techniques and the business of photography I moved to NYC to start my career. Along the way I found my passion for photographing babies and children and now specialize in children’s fashion photography as well as photographing newborns and family portraiture. I am available for personal and commercial shoots: You can check out some of my work at:

What is your interest in dance?
I’ve taken only a handful of formal dance classes, but I grew up belly dancing and salsa dancing within my community. Now I am a regular at 5 rhythms and continue to create uplifting dance energy where ever dancing is appropriate.

If you could share the stage with anyone in history famous or not, living or deceased, a trained dancer or not, performing a routine choreographed by yourself…who would it be?
Shakira! She’s an amazing dancer and she can rock the hips the way a Lebanese (even half) woman should. She not only dances for her audience and her songs, but I’ve seen some beautiful serene dance sequences she’s be a part of and it’s magic. You can’t help but be mesmerized by her moves.

What does this year’s theme “The Cabaret of Life” mean to you?
Don’t let life hold you down, but find the freedom to dance… even if it’s just in your room by yourself. Dancing releases so much stress and anxiety, it allows us to embrace our connection with our body and feel free, even if just for a few moments. During dance we can put our troubles and pessimistic thoughts aside while our bodies move to find the release and freedom from those damaging thoughts. Many people are afraid to let themselves go to feel the freedom dance allows.  This year’s theme challenges those who may not feel free to let that go and let themselves dance to feel the freedom. It promotes the idea of living free and connecting that with dance! Dance more is my resolution for the new year. I always feel great after a good dance session.

What dance group or dance style are you most looking forward to seeing this coming year in the parade?
I’m looking forward to seeing the performances of the underprivileged kids that dance parade brings classes to. From what I understand there are some kids who are taught a routine that will be showcased in the parade. I thing this is an amazing thing Dance Parade participates in that is a benefits for kids not just on this day, but ongoing. There is also this swing dancing group that I saw last year who were just amazing! They are enjoyable to watch and I look forward to seeing what they are bringing this year.

If you could pick another country to hold a Dance Parade and Festival….which would it be?
Good question! Another country… how about Southern California… ok that’s not a different country, but sometimes it feels like it is. Paris would be my other country pick. Why? It’s pretty and will make pretty backgrounds for photos as people are parading around town. 🙂

Supporting a non profit organization can at times be daunting with limited personnel and limited funding….what is it that keeps you coming back for more and more?
It is frustrating with the limited amount of time I have that I can spend with volunteering. I’m back for the first time and not sure exactly how much is going to be expected from me. I’ll let you know next year why I will return, if I do return…haha 😉
The reason I joined this year is because I feel moved by the awesomeness of the parade and festival (and I’m not the kind of person who usually enjoys parades.) But this parade has such an uplifting energy throughout…it’s not just people solemnly walking or marching, but its an environment where people are smiling, laughing, stylishly moving and connecting all through the love of dance. The love of dance brings together people of all ages, backgrounds, races and colors and it’s just beautiful to witness and experience. This is why I am involved.

Describe a special memory you have from Dance Parade’s past?
Little moments happened last year when I was a dance police (which is the most awesome addition to the parade by the way)…I saw this older gentleman just sitting and watching the parade looking so bored and disinterested, not smiling or anything… I went up to him and said sternly, “You are in violation for not smiling and not dancing!” Right away he perked up smiled and started moving his body, saying “No, no I’m dancing… see?” I gave him a citation anyway but when I left him he was still smiling and continued his dance. Opening the audience to interact with the parade and dance themselves is something special I took with me from Dance Parade.

A little moment from the dance festival that still sits with me: In the middle of a crowd of people dancing and being entertained by a DJ on a main stage I pauses to look around me, I saw people roughly my age shaking it, but I also saw people in their late stages of life getting down, I saw children smiling and moving like they were going to lose their legs, a man grooving with his walker, a younger woman smiling and rocking with a broken foot…the diversity of people around me enjoying the same music and loving energy was a beautiful scene always to be remembered.

What pitch would you use to attract a new volunteer onto the Dance Parade team?
Do you want to be a part of a movement that reaches the biggest diversity of people? Dance parade is a movement that brings people together through the love of dance. An organization that opens the doors for dancers and groups to showcase their talents and hard work and creates a day of dance to share on the streets of Manhattan.  In addition to the actual parade and festival, Dance Parade is active within the community in providing dance classes for people who may not be able to afford to take classes with the goal of performing in dance parade. By volunteering you help sustain a community of dancers and give them opportunities they may not have otherwise.

Thank you Adele!


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