Latest Past Events

All Hands Meeting – Support with a week before Dance Parade

Gibney Dance Center NYC

Find out what it takes to put on a parade and festival that makes the city smile and DANCE! We are gathering near City Hall at one of our beloved Dance Studios to get to know one another, learn how the parade and festival operate and to sign up for open volunteer positions. All volunteers

All Hands Volunteer Meeting

Gibney Dance Center NYC

Find out what it takes to put on a parade and festival that makes the city smile and DANCE! We are gathering near City Hall at one of our beloved Dance Studios to get to know one another, learn how the parade and festival operate and to sign up for open volunteer positions.  All volunteers

Last Parade Group Coordinators Meeting

Jefferson Market Library 425 Sixth Avenue (at W10th St), Ground Floor's South End Conference Room, New York, NY

We will hold our fourth and final Parade Group Coordinators meeting where the leaders or representatives from registered Parade Groups will gather meet to go over logistics on the big day. Not registered? Please sign up at There are many ways our non-profit organization can help you, most notably to be a part of
