充满互动的“云”狂欢, 将在Zoom及社交媒体上进行全网直播。

我们很高兴可以邀请全球热爱舞蹈的你,通过网络参加【第14届纽约舞蹈嘉年华 · 巡游及狂欢】!5月16日下午1至3时全网上线,使用Zoom搭配摄像头加入可以获得最佳互动体验;或者可以通过Facebook、Instagram、Twitch以及YouTube观看直播!(更多详情见下文)


City & State/Province (and Country if not USA)
(Participants who check "yes" will be sent instructions on how to compete with their cameras on, with emcee guidance and audience voting)
(text message and data rates may apply)
100% of ticket proceeds go directly to pay the artists in this event. Dance Parade is costly to produce but we wish to ensure free tickets during the pandemic are for those in need. T-shirts for US residents only.
All transactions are secured and validated with an SSL certificate
With this form submission I agree that this signifies my intention to participate in the 15th Annual Dance Parade and Festival –Online Edition (“the Virtual Event”) but does not create any binding relationship or obligations between me and Dance Parade, Inc. I understand also that by registering for the Virtual Event I assume responsibility for my safety and will act with caution, courtesy, and prudence, and will comply with all relevant laws and regulations throughout the event. I hold harmless Dance Parade, its officers, staff and volunteers for any liabilities incurred to me in the Virtual Dance Event except in the case of Dance Parade Inc.’s gross negligence. We only guarantee the validity of your ticket if purchased directly from Eventbrite or Resident Advisor. Any tickets purchased second-hand or via third party vendors cannot be validated or accommodated in the event. Reselling a ticket above face value goes against the spirit of the event. I recognize the Virtual Event as family friendly and agree to refrain from sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct of any kind or from making abusive statements in regard to a person’s race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sex or age. I also agree that during the Virtual Event, my image may be captured without compensation. By registering for the Virtual Event I agree to receive communications from Dance Parade including STEPS!, our Official E-Newsletter and opting out is an option made in accordance with anti-spam laws. Lastly, Dance Parade reserves the right to cancel participation in the Virtual Event if it is determined that participants are using discrimination, harassment, not participating, or involved for political or commercial reasons not supporting dance. It's the Dance Parade and everyone dances!


纽约大看台:本届嘉年华大礼官“甩舞公主”Princess Lockerooo将会带来一段利落的Waacking Flashmob甩手舞为活动开场。跟随DJ Liquid Todd的节奏,让你立即进入状态。观看或参与Dance Battle舞蹈云对决、Tutu Jam芭蕾即兴、文化亮相,围观嘉年华著名的NYDP舞警上演“Dance Police Lockdown(舞警封城)”;加入活动艺术家Barbara Ann Micheals的互动环节“I Dance Like You!”。免费注册嘉年华即可获赠酷炫Zoom虚拟背景墙。

剪彩仪式:丛林司仪Emcee Jungle将作为活动主持,向奋战在一线的医护人员致敬,并介绍本届嘉年华的四位大礼官:极具影响力的现代舞蹈编舞家David Dorfman、Masala Bhangra宝莱坞热舞玛莎拉彭戈拉创始人Sarina JainSiriusXM电台DJ Liquid Todd、世界著名舞蹈艺术家“甩舞公主”Princess Lockerooo

DanceFest教学舞台:从五种不同的舞蹈风格中随意挑选——跟着“甩舞公主”Princess Lockeroo的甩手舞Waacking教学把膀子甩开来;跟着编舞家David Dorfman学几招时髦的现代舞姿势;跟着宝莱坞热舞Masala Bhangra创始人Sarina Jain学习印度传统班格拉舞步;还有非洲舞由Karisma教学和Zumba尊巴舞由来自Fit4Dance的Laci Chisholm教学。

敢跳舞挑战:揭晓舞蹈嘉年华视频竞赛的获胜者。在这段自我隔离与社交疏离的日子里,编舞们被要求以远程的方式与舞者们进行联络与沟通。三组获胜者将会获得现金奖励,同时他们的一分钟舞蹈视频将会播放给大家欣赏。(感谢来自STEELE DANCE的Nancy Steele)

大看台秀:主持人Emcee Shireen Dickson,带大家一起重温舞蹈嘉年华的往届精彩。聆听艺术总监访谈,深入了解各种舞蹈文化背后的故事。

活动免费参加 - 感谢额外支持:      捐款
