We're Hiring!

If you are a part of a group, please list the group's point of contact.
We will do our best to secure the maximum allowable fee for a teaching hour. Please enter your minimum and ideal hourly rates in this box (i.e. $20/hr - $75/hr+)
We will do our best to secure the maximum allowable fee for performances engagements between 30min-1hr. Please enter your minimum and ideal hourly rates for in this box (i.e. $20/hr - $75/hr+)
Please copy and paste your professional bio here. This bio will be used when representing you.
This question is optional and will help us to understand how we may best support our community of dancers, teaching artists, and performing companies.
提交此表单,即表示我本人有参加“舞蹈嘉年华社区参与计划”项目之意向,但并非构成我本人与Dance Parade, Inc.之间的任何约束关系及义务。我本人不会做出有损舞蹈嘉年华、Dance Parade及DanceFest之事,包括其管理人员、工作人员及志愿者,我责任自负,除非Dance Parade Inc.出现重大过失。我同意以专业的方式行事,并避免对任何人的种族、性别、宗教、国籍、民族或年龄做出任何形式的肢体、性、情感或语言上的侵犯或不当行为。
Please complete this question to confirm that you are human.
